Melnard Eda


Milano, MI, Italia Iscritto da Novembre 22, 2021

**Per visualizzare i contatti registrati come Azienda**

Su di Me

Who am I? I am a passionate filmmaker in Milan Italy. I love to capture moments, to work with teammates in the video industry

My passion for video started long time ago when I was only a child, using VHS and Mini DV cameras, shooting family birthdays and special events.
I started as a freelance filmmaker in late 2014 and since then this long journey began

This professional journey started by filming some aspiring fashion designer in Milan Italy and then to Weddings and 18th Debuts. Then in 2017 I started collaborating with some other production studios and developed my skills as Camera OperatorCinematographer and 1st AC

In addition to this more focused skills, I started doing livestream services and developed more during the pandemic year in 2020, exploring new ways to manage events by transforming them in digital events, working as remote director for some clients

In these years I also became brand ambassador and KOL, Key Opinion Leader, for the Italian market for Z CAM Cameras, HollylandSyncoDesviewFeelworld Master and collaborating with Italian distributors like Adcom and Trans Audio Video

Lately I began working also with Production Studios that work for the major italian broadcaster RAI

My journey is an infinite one as I always tell myself “We learn everyday”

  • Livello di esperienza  Avanzato
  • Genere  Uomo
  • Lingue parlate  ItalianoInglese

**Per visualizzare tutte le informazioni registrati come Azienda**

Melnard Eda


Milano, MI, Italia Iscritto da Novembre 22, 2021

**Per visualizzare i contatti registrati come Azienda**

Su di Me

Who am I? I am a passionate filmmaker in Milan Italy. I love to capture moments, to work with teammates in the video industry

My passion for video started long time ago when I was only a child, using VHS and Mini DV cameras, shooting family birthdays and special events.
I started as a freelance filmmaker in late 2014 and since then this long journey began

This professional journey started by filming some aspiring fashion designer in Milan Italy and then to Weddings and 18th Debuts. Then in 2017 I started collaborating with some other production studios and developed my skills as Camera OperatorCinematographer and 1st AC

In addition to this more focused skills, I started doing livestream services and developed more during the pandemic year in 2020, exploring new ways to manage events by transforming them in digital events, working as remote director for some clients

In these years I also became brand ambassador and KOL, Key Opinion Leader, for the Italian market for Z CAM Cameras, HollylandSyncoDesviewFeelworld Master and collaborating with Italian distributors like Adcom and Trans Audio Video

Lately I began working also with Production Studios that work for the major italian broadcaster RAI

My journey is an infinite one as I always tell myself “We learn everyday”

  • Livello di esperienza  Avanzato
  • Genere  Uomo
  • Lingue parlate  ItalianoInglese

**Per visualizzare tutte le informazioni registrati come Azienda**